Merry Christmas and thank you for your custom since our online store opened in August 2012. For your early support, we have a special Christmas gift for you.
No matter what you may have purchased from us in the past, the Steam key below is yours! If you don't want to use it you are welcome to pass the email on to someone else who might.
For more information about Steam, downloading the client and obtaining your free copy of The Cat Lady then please start at our store page:
Those with Steam already on their computer, just activate the key below for your copy of The Cat Lady (for Windows PC).
Thanks again for supporting our business in its infancy. We value your choice to take a leap of faith and purchase direct from or one of our game sub-sites.
Here is your Steam key for The Cat Lady
Mark Lovegrove
Screen 7
Please note this gift is free and you will not be charged in any way. You may be required to create a Username and Password if installing Steam for the first time. You will not need to input any payment details of any kind to obtain your copy of The Cat Lady.
Also note that this is an exclusive promotional offer and is not connected to any other offer, deal or product available via Screen 7. We do not share your information but may from time to time send you free gifts using email data from your previous transactions with Screen 7.